An exhibition that explores what family life can provide to creative professionals. While having both a family and a productive practice is nothing new, the trend of honoring the synthesis of the two is a current phenomenon.
This exhibition is a project of BROODWORK, the cross-disciplinary inquiry surrounding the integration of creative practice and family life founded by It's About Time curators Iris Anna Regn and Rebecca Niederlander. The curators defined, named and now investigate the practices and output of this previously unspoken vanguard community.
For this project, the lens is focused on Time, and presents themes such as Juncture, Momentum, Occasion, and Transference through a wide range of works from the fields of visual art, architecture, design, creative writing, and music within the parameters of 21st century life. Project funding is provided in part by the Pasadena Art Alliance, and Eamon O’Kane’s participation in this exhibition is made possible by Culture Ireland’s initiative Imagine Ireland – A Year of Irish Artists in America 2011.