From 25 October to 30 November, the MAC exhibits the works of the finalists of the 2014 LISSONE PRIZE , an international competition for young artists under 35.
Among the practices that characterize the most current developments in painting has been inserted the "Expanded Painting," novelty item that distinguishes this year's edition. For the first time it was set up a Selection Committee which will complement the official jury in assigning the Grand Prize for painting, the Critics Award and many other awards purchase. In addition to the exhibition of selected, the newly renovated exhibition formula also includes two sections by invitation, at a national and international level, which is not eligible for prizes in money. Finally, a room will be reserved for an important teacher of the last century, as well as they used to in the sixties, with retrospective exhibitions devoted to Atanasio Soldati, Licini Osvaldo and Mario Sironi.
A selection committee consisting of Flavio Arens, Gianluca D'Inca Levis, Alberto Mugnaini, Gianluca Ranzi, Lorenzo Respi and chaired by Alberto Zanchetta , artistic director of MAC Liss, has evaluated the material received from 171 participants.
Based on the criteria of quality, originality and consistency of artistic research, we selected 27 finalists: Matthew Antonini, Irene Balia, Agostino Bergamaschi, Marco Bongiorni, Calori & Maillard, Anna Caruso, Stefano Cumia, Francesco Fossati, Max Frintrop, Alessandro Jewel , Hell Silvia, Silvia Infranco, Joan Armengol Salo, Osamu Kobayashi, Andrea La Rocca, Federico Lanaro, David Mancini Zanchi, Bruno Marrapodi, Silvia Mei, Moscariello Luca, Carlo Alberto Rastelli, Milena Rossignoli, Sarleti Angelo, Thomas Carvajal, Patrizia Emma Scialpi Stefano Spera, Luca Zadar.
Each artist will participate with one work exhibition that will be inaugurated Saturday, October 25 at 18:30. On the opening night of the jury award , consisting of Sergio Breviary, Alberto Garutti, Volker W. Feierabend, Federico Luger, Joseph Pero, Remo Salvadori and Alberto Zanchetta , will announce the winner of the Grand Prize for Painting, the value of € 5,000.00. During the evening the members of the Selection Committee will assign also the Critics Award and an Honorable Mention, which will add the purchase of the MAC awards. The winning works will thus enrich the hill-tions of the permanent museum.
Alongside the exhibition of the finalists, this year's edition will also present two sections by invitation; the "foreign presences" will bring together the works of Greg Colson, Kim Dorland, Franklin Evans, Jason Tues -tin, Eric Mistretta and Katy Moran , while "Appearances Italian" will break off in a solo show of Gabriele Arruzzo and a memorial hall dedicated to Anselmo Bucci , a leading exponent of the historical group twentieth century.
Museum of Contemporary Art Liss Viale Padania 6, 20851 Liss, MB, Italy museo@comune.lissone.mb.it - tel. 039 7397368 - 039 2145174
Museum Hours Wednesday and Friday 10:00 to 13:00 h Thursday 16:00 to 23:00 Saturday and Sunday 10:00 to 12:00 / 15:00 to 19:00