Blue Mountain, 2022, Enamel on canvas, 32 x 28 inches, 81.3 x 71.1 cm
NY Art Week Guide by Cultured Magazine + Arkive
By Julie Baumgardner
Only twenty years ago did Chelsea emerge as a vanguard arts district, a model development in urban regeneration and culture support—now, lucky for New York, it’s basically a free museum quarter. The galleries in Chelsea show the artists that land up with blockbuster institutional exhibitions, in spaces that can handle challenging art of all scales. And they’re open to all, five days a week (don’t worry about the front-door folks!).
511 West 22nd Street
You might not recognize the latest works from Inka Essenhigh—the powerhouse painter has evolved her aesthetic over the years, currently landing on natural forms that evoke the mood of now. Exaggerated and saturated, Essenhigh’s compositions at once feel familiar and uncanny, perhaps another reason collectors’ can’t seem to get enough.