New York, NY: Miles McEnery Gallery, ‘Markus Linnenbrink: EVERYTHINGBETWEENTHESUNANDTHEDIRT,’ 8 June - 22 July 2023
Swoon, Catharine Czudej, Kevin Beasley, Henry Swanson and others are presenting can't-miss work at galleries across the city
By Vittoria Benzine
Finding yourself stuck in New York City during July can feel a bit like a losing game of hot potato. Fortunately, most galleries are air conditioned! And although so many people have absconded upstate — or to the Hamptons, or further — you’d be mistaken to consider summertime a dead zone for the city’s gallery scene. In addition to the usual annual group shows this time of year, a number of galleries are also taking risks by presenting particularly experimental installations. Art made in the playful creative foundry that is Brooklyn abounds.
We scoured exhibitions — and their guest books — to bring you six gallery shows by local artists to keep you cool this summer. Looking for something to look at? Look no further. Here are six must-see shows featuring Kings County artists to check out now.
Miles McEnery Gallery
511 W 22nd Street
While taking in the hypnotic patterns of German-born Markus Linnenbrink’s sixth solo show with Miles McEnery Gallery in Chelsea, I overheard a couple say this is precisely the type of work one would expect to come out of Brooklyn. Maybe so. Linnenbrink’s style is quirky, and requires space — the likes of which an artist is more likely to find among Brooklyn’s spacious industrial studios. He’s worked with epoxy resin for over 30 years, the gallery says, 'and his intimate familiarity with the medium is evident in his deft manipulation of it.' The artist has carved circles and stripes into layers of saturated resin, working backwards in a way to reveal patterns. The artist switches gears from negative to positive space with an iridescent, sculptural resin sphere filled with treasures that greets viewers upon arrival, followed by a paint splattered chair at the room’s center, with similar walls all around. Through July 22.