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Norman Bluhm, Bulgaroctonus, 1967, oil on canvas (Image courtesy Miles McEnery Gallery and and The Estate of Norman Bluhm).


From Norman Bluhm’s reinvented abstraction to the history of Barbie at the Museum of Arts and Design, we’re looking at a diverse array of art this week.


Make sure to catch Norman Bluhm’s unorthodox abstracts and the Museum of Arts and Design’s dizzying display of Barbie’s history before they end this weekend. After that, revisit art history’s past with a survey of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s legendary project The Gates and Deborah Kass’s feminist pastiches. Manuel Herreros de Lemos and Mateo Manaure Arilla’s poignant 1982 documentary Trans and its accompany exhibition at the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art rounds out our list.


– Natalie Haddad, Reviews Editor


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