Pia Fries, genau dies, 2021, silkscreen and acrylic paint (unique), 70 x 50 cm
Photo: Hans Brändli
Print is a Battlefield
Museo Villa dei Cedri
18.3.2023 – 20.8.2023
Villa dei Cedri Museum is hosting Edition VFO (Verein für Originalgraphik) to mark the Zurich-based association’s 75th anniversary. The «Print is a Battlefield» project showcases the diversity and rich creativity of contemporary printmaking. Still too often dismissed as of minor significance, the medium is today distinguished by its exploration of forms, supports and techniques – neons, banners, thermoformed objects, laser engraving and 3D printing. It is also, increasingly, a front line in campaigns on such social issues as women’s emancipation and the interaction between humanity and the environment in the Anthropocene.
Exhibition curated by David Khalat, Director Edition VFO, in collaboration with the Museo Villa dei Cedri.
Exhibiting artists: Luigi Archetti, Walead Beshty, Vanessa Billy, Julian Charrière, Valérie Favre, Sylvie Fleury, Pia Fries, Louisa Gagliardi, Raphael Hefti, Federico Herrero, Bethan Huws, Zilla Leutenegger, Uriel Orlow, Carmen Perrin, Karin Sander, Denis Savary, Elza Sile and Selina Trepp.
Museo Villa dei Cedri
Piazza San Biagio 9
CH-6500 Bellinzona